
See the context of this sign.

Who were the Franciscans?

The Franciscans take their name from their founder St.
Francis of Assisi. At the age of twenty-five, St. Francis gave
his worldly possessions to the poor and founded a religious
order based on the vows of Poverty, Chastity, and
Obedience. The Franciscans wore long, course tunics tied
at the waist with a cord. These knots in the cord were
constant reminders of their vows. While most Franciscans
wore brown habits, a color symbolizing humility and
closeness to the earth, evidence suggests that the New
Mexican Franciscans of the 1700s wore habits of dark blue
cloth in honor of the Virgin Mary. The New World
Franciscans wore wide brim hats to shade and protect
them from the fierce sun, and when travelling long
distances, wore chamois mocassins called "gamuzzi"
instead of sandals. Most friars wore a tunsure, a haircut
with a circular bald area shaved and formed to signify the
clerical state. Their greeting of goodness to rich or poor,
"May God give you peace," always travelled in the
company of a Franciscan.

The first Franciscans to the New World came with
Columbus and for four centuries the order was
instrumental in the land's settlement. Their desire to
spread Christianity and care for people led Franciscans
into dangerous situations on the many frontiers of the
Spanish empire.

Francisco Dominguez at thrity-six was the head of all
Franciscan missions in New Mexico, while
twenty-six-year-old Escalante was the pastor of the Zuni
mission. Both were Scrupulous men, meticulous in detail
and strong in their deep conviction and faith in God. Twice
during their epic journey, the padres cast lots to determine
their course, beliving that God would influence the
drawing and point them in the right direction. The strength
and stability their faith gave them were cornerstones in the
successful completion of their journey through the
American southwest.

"May God give you peace."

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